Hello everyone! Welcome to my Jujutsu Kaisen addon: World Of Curses! This addon is balanced around and started as a DLC of my other addon, World Of Stands, so that people can play with both mods at the same time while everyone is around the same level of damage output, hp, etc, which is also why the skills dont nuke everything in a 100 gazillion block radius.Thats all I gotta say beforehand though, so here's everything u need to know about the addon!
Obtainment Method: buy it from the Gojo NPC.
1: Enhanced Blow m1s, right click for a temporary strength boost 2: Lapse Blue projectile that pulls people into it. 2.5: Lapse Blue Roundabout projectile that circles around the area it was used in and pulls people into it. 3: Reversal Red projectile with big knockback 4: Hollow Purple projectile with high damage 5: Reversal Red Jump launches the user into the sky 5.5: Reversal Healing heal yourself with reverse cursed technique 6: Unlimited Void makes people unable to do anything for 7 seconds.
Obtainment Method: buy sukuna fingers from the Gojo NPC. eat 20 to get this moveset.
1: Cleave m1s, right click to do a dash attack. 2: Dismantle Barrage barrage attack 3: Omni-Directional Barrage lower damage than 2 skill, but attacks in all directions 4: Blazing Arrow fire arrow projectile 5: Instant Dash teleport forwards 6: Reverse Cursed Technique heal 7: Slash Dash Combo turn into a walking barrage 8: Malevolent Shrine damages anyone in its radius, lasts 10 seconds
Obtainment Method: find an Inventory Curse out in the wild, punch it to get the item, and then interact with gojo while holding it. This will spawn the High Gojo boss. kill High Gojo and you get the Toji Moveset.
1: Inverted Spear of Heaven m1s, right click to do X-Slash (dash attack) 2: Circular Slash small AOE barrage 2.5: Thousand-Mile Chain Pull pulls opponents in front of you directly to you 3: Pistol Shot GUN 4: Aerial Ace teleports you above the nearest player and then you do a drop attack. only works if there is a nearby player. 5: Instant Dash teleport forwards 5.5: Instant Surprise teleport behind the nearest player. only works if there is a nearby player. 6: Killing Blow beatdown
sells Gojo Moveset, Inventory Curse and Sukuna Fingers for diamonds. being near him while holding an inventory curse causes High Gojo to spawn.
Inventory Curse
goober :3
punch him to get Inventory Curse item.
High Gojo
15 seconds after spawning, he opens domain. every 30 seconds after that, he will open domain again. drops toji moveset on death.
-Added Toji -Fixed a bug relating to using grab moves in malevolent shrine -Fixed Sukuna's Swift Slash blinding the user during its use if standing still -Lapse Blue damage buffed from 10 explosion to 13 explosion -Gojo Unlimited Void duration reduced from 10 to 7 seconds -You can no longer use Unlimited Void while either Lapse Blue move is active